NARUC-NASEO Microgrids State Working Group Webinar: Microgrid Tariff Development

September 8, 2021, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET

In early 2021, California and Hawaii became the first states to approve microgrid tariffs for major investor-owned utilities. Microgrid tariffs are meant to ensure fair compensation for services provided by microgrids while avoiding cost-shifting to customers who do not benefit from projects, thereby reducing barriers and providing financial certainty to microgrid development. On this webinar, staff from the California and Hawaii public utility commissions will share commission objectives for microgrid tariffs, the tariff development process, and next steps in both states. Commissions and energy offices in other states can gain an understanding of the importance of tariff development, successful strategies, and lessons learned from these two early actors. To register, please click here.


  • Joyce Steingass, Senior Utilities Engineer, Resiliency and Microgrids, California Public Utilities Commission
  • Jessica Tse, Senior Analyst, Resiliency and Microgrids, California Public Utilities Commission
  • Andrew Okabe. Utility Analyst, Hawaii Public Utilities Commission