Webinar and Exclusive Discussion: DERs in Wholesale Markets & on the Distribution Network

March 8, 2022, 1:00 - 3:00 PM ET

NASEO and NARUC have embarked on a new initiative to support members’ understanding of issues related to connection, operation, and compensation of distributed energy resources within the distribution grid, bulk power system, and wholesale energy markets. NARUC and NASEO will provide information, tools, access to experts, and peer sharing opportunities that assist members with FERC Order 2222 implementation in RTO/ISO regions and State oversight of customer-distribution-transmission coordination outside of RTO/ISO regions. The following webinar and dedicated Q&A for NARUC and NASEO members are part of this work.

Webinar: DERs in Wholesale Markets & on the Distribution Network: What Needs to Happen?
Webinar: March 8, 2022, 1:00 p.m. ET

FERC Order 2222 directed regional grid operators to open their wholesale markets to distributed energy resources (DERs) but that will take more than action by RTOs/ISOs. Distribution utilities and their state regulators also have big roles to play in realizing all the benefits of distributed resources for customers and the power grid. In this public webinar, which draws on the report from AEE and GridLab, FERC Order No 2222 Implementation: Preparing the Distribution System for DER Participation in Wholesale Markets, hear from utility executives and DER companies about what needs to happen locally to unlock the value of DERs at the grid edge. Presented by AEE, GridLab, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), and NASEO.  Please click here to register.

Exclusive Discussion: Following the Webinar – For NARUC and NASEO members only:
Exclusive Discussion: March 8, 2022, 2:10 p.m. ET

A private discussion with panelists and other participants in the AEE/GridLab FERC 2222 Implementation Project on implications for state electricity policy and regulation. Please contact Kirsten Verclas (kverclas@naseo.org) for registration information.

Please note that the public webinar and the private discussion that follows require separate registrations.