NASEO-NARUC Microgrids State Working Group Workshop: Microgrid Regulatory and Programmatic Strategies

March 29, 2022, 1:00 - 4:30 PM ET and March 30, 2022, 1:00 - 4:30 PM ET

This two-day virtual workshop will be co-hosted by NASEO and NARUC for members of the Microgrids State Working Group and decision-makers from public utility commissions and State Energy Offices. The workshop aims to provide a platform for State Energy Offices and public utility commissions to better understand the current regulatory and programmatic landscape for microgrids, illuminate common objectives and challenges, and identify gaps to be addressed in a state microgrid program framework, to be written later this year. This workshop will be highly interactive, with presentations and breakout discussions. A detailed agenda including discussion question prompts will be shared prior to the workshop.  Please contact Kelsey Jones ( for more information and register here