NASEO-NARUC Distributed Energy Resources Integration & Compensation Initiative Workshop - Getting Ready for DER Aggregation: Envisioning Bulk Power System/Distribution Coordination; Advancing DER Interconnection (State and Territory Energy Offices only)

September 20-21, 2022
Washington, D.C.

State Utility Commissions and State Energy Offices are increasingly faced with novel technical issues and policy decisions related to the integration of distribution-connected energy resources. Almost every aspect of the electric utility can be impacted by distributed energy resource (DER) growth, while retail and wholesale rules will also become more intertwined. Policy makers will need to consider many technical and economic issues to prepare for a variety of future paths that are changing rapidly. Ultimately, state energy decision makers individually and collectively want to ensure that these resources are connected and operated in a way that is safe, fair, and supports state goals. This workshop convenes NASEO and NARUC state members to further prepare for decision making related to the connection, operation, and compensation of distributed energy resources (DERs)---within the distribution grid, bulk power system, and wholesale energy markets. Specifically, this workshop will focus on understanding coordination opportunities between States and bulk power system operators / independent system operators / regional transmission organizations (ISO/RTOs) and updating interconnection rules for DERs.  Sessions include panel discussions, templates and time for action planning by states, and opportunities to provide input to the U.S Department of Energy and National Laboratories on efforts to support DER integration. Limited travel support is available. Please click here for the agenda and regisration link.  For questions please contact Kelsey Jones at