Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program: Key Application Milestones, Deadlines, and Resources (State and Territory Energy Offices Only – Pre-Registration Required)

April 17, 2023, 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provided $550 million for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EEBCG) Program, which supports state and local clean energy planning, projects, and programs. For states to access the funds, critical application milestones are approaching: by April 28, 2023, states must submit the EECBG Pre-Award Information Sheet and, by July 31, 2023, states must complete the full application detailed on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) EECBG Program Formula Grant Application Hub. Join representatives from DOE, E4TheFuture, and NASEO in this virtual meeting for an overview of the program, resources to support planning and program development, and a discussion of State Energy Offices’ roles in the EECBG Program.

Register here to attend. This meeting is available only to State and Territory Energy Offices. NASEO will make a recording of the meeting available for those who cannot attend. If you have any questions about EECBG that you would like to make sure are addressed during the meeting, please contact Sandy Fazeli at by Thursday, April 13, 2023.