NASEO-Breakthrough Energy Clean Hydrogen Workshop

December 13-14, 2023

NASEO, in partnership with Breakthrough Energy, will host a clean hydrogen workshop in Washington, DC for states and territories. This workshop will provide an opportunity for conversations among states, the federal government, and the private sector to establish a dialogue and framework for greater collaboration on clean hydrogen. Sessions will focus on community engagement, private sector partnerships, state roadmapping, and policy and programmatic actions to accelerate the deployment of clean hydrogen. The goal of this workshop is to facilitate peer sharing and action planning among attendees to support both hydrogen hub awardees and those looking to identify next steps related to regional partnerships, state roadmaps, and demand initiatives. This timely convening will also explore policy and market barriers to moving clean hydrogen projects forward and highlight the important role of states in the clean hydrogen space. A limited amount of funding is available to support travel for State and Territory Energy Offices. Please contact Kelsey Jones ( or Grace Lowe ( with any questions.