Mississippi Energizing Rural Communities Kick-Off Meeting

November 16, 2023

NASEO, in partnership with the Mississippi Development Authority Energy and Natural Resources Division, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, will host a meeting in Blue Mountain, Mississippi with state government, local government, utilities, and other community stakeholders to discuss next steps for the DOE Energizing Rural Communities prize that the group was awarded in July 2023. The objectives of the meeting are to (1) provide the community with information and resources on a potential clean energy microgrid for increased energy resilience and reliability in Northeast Mississippi, (2) Convene the project team and additional stakeholders, and (3) Facilitate project team coordination and community action planning. The meeting is invite only. Please reach out to Kelsey Jones (kjones@naseo.org) or Jasmine Xie (jxie@naseo.org) with any questions.