NASEO Training on Fundamentals of Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contracting (GESPC)

June 24, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30 PM ET

NASEO hosted a training on Wednesday, June 24, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EDT, which focused on the Fundamentals of Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contracting (GESPC). Go from zero to sixty in this Live Interactive Training that explores the foundations of a GESPC project.  During the 90-minute training the Energy Services Coalition will share its recipe for successful performance contracting projects, from how to select an ESCO to the components of an Investment Grade Audit, Measurement and Verification -- and the science of it all.  This training was open to State Energy Officials who have an interest in better understanding both the GESPC process and where State Energy Offices can assist potential GESPC customers who want to utilize GESPC to make improvements.

Agenda / To view this recording, please click here

Please contact Sam Cramer at for additional details.