NASEO Webinar: Anticipating and Preparing for new Electricity Demand from Freight Electrification

June 3, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET

Freight electrification will create significant new demand for electricity as a "fuel" across the country. How can states estimate and help utilities prepare for this new demand - which may be more spatially concentrated than light-duty passenger EVs - to help ensure that electricity and grid capacity aren't bottlenecks to charging infrastructure deployments? What data is currently available to states, and what tools are available to support analyses? Furthermore, how can states and utilities work together to ensure that they're preparing accordingly for this new load?

Join NASEO to hear from leading experts on this topic. Matt Bruchon will share NREL's Depot-Based Vehicle Data for National Analysis of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging, which can be used to inform research, infrastructure planning, and policymaking regarding the electrification of freight vehicles. Katherine Stainken will provide an overview of EPRI's EVs2Scale2030 initiative, which leverages industry partnerships to support the rapid deployment of millions of EVs while minimizing grid impacts and enabling critical benefits to the nation’s grid. Katherine will also provide a demo of the eRoadMAP tool and a sneak peek of the GridFAST platform. Next, Caitlin Odom will provide an overview of RMI's GridUp tool and how it can be used to inform proactive grid infrastructure planning and help utilities and other stakeholders determine when, where, and in what quantities energy and power demands will materialize from vehicle electrification. Finally, Zeryai Hagos will share an update on the New York Public Service Commission's proceeding examining the needs of medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) electric vehicles and proactive planning approaches to prepare the grid. You can register here.

  • Speakers:
    • Matt Bruchon, Researcher - Data Science, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
    • Katherine Stainken, Technical Leader III, Electric Transportation, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
    • Caitlin Odom, Manager, Carbon Free Electricity & Transportation, RMI
    • Zeryai Hagos, Deputy Director, Office of Markets and Innovation, New York Department of Public Service