NASEO Residential Energy Efficiency and Beneficial Electrification Task Force Webinar: Measuring Energy Vulnerability

December 3, 2024, 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET

NASEO released a new publication, Utilizing Home Energy Score to Prioritize Energy Efficiency Investments, outlining how State Energy Offices can prioritize residential energy efficiency spending. The paper proposes using Home Energy Score to identify the neighborhoods with the largest need for energy efficiency improvements. The Home Energy Score provides the energy efficiency of a home on a 1-to-10 scale and estimates the 1-to-10 result when improvements are made. The result is a delta between current and potential Home Energy Score that represents the magnitude of the need for energy efficiency improvements. The paper also reviews energy vulnerability terms to establish the need for this us of Home Energy Score. Join NASEO for webinar covering this research and how to apply. Please register for the call here and reach out to Alannah Bell at with any questions.